4-H Burger Battle

Codington County club hosts cooking contest

While area restaurants continue the Watertown Area Chamber of Commerce’s “Burger Battle” until the end of the month, Saturday, Feb. 2, was the 4-Club’s turn. A cooking competition was held at the Codington County Extension Center and was open to clubs from neighboring counties as well.

Lola Wells and Mackenzie Atheron, “The Champions” of Day County prepare their burger

While five teams had signed up to participate, Codington County 4-H Advisor Jodi Loehrer said three teams had to pull out of the competition due to illness. This left two teams, the Burger Bros and the Champions, to duke it out with meat and buns. Owing to the void created by the other teams pulling out, a group of 4-H advisors presented a burger of their own, although it was not judged.

Prior to the competition, the participants – all 4-H’ers – learned about food safety practices related to ground beef and other types of raw meat. The teams brought most of their own supplies, although the beef was provided from the Coteau Hills Cattlemen’s Association.

The Burger Bros created a “Buffalo Bacon Mac Attack” burger, using bison meat from Dakota Butcher in place of the beef. Team members Caleb Fisher and Adrian Flisrand said bison meat generally contains less fat than beef and must watched more closely when cooking. The team paired the bison with strips of bacon and homemade macaroni and cheese, all on a bun.

The judges deliberate the burgers. Photo by Brandon Heim, Watertown Current.

The Burger Bros Caleb Fisher and Adrian Flisrand. Photo by Brandon Heim, Watertown Current.

“The Champions” were Lola Wells and Mackenzie Atheron of Day County 4-H. They prepared a “Grand Champion” classic cheeseburger with a sweet and tangy “champion” sauce, prepared onsite. The girls paired their burger with a side of pickles and sauce.

The teams were judged on a variety of aspects including taste, creativity and presentation. Judges had high praise for both teams and their burgers. Only one point separated the teams, but in the end the Champions lived up to their name. They were given of gift of grilling supplies, spices and tickets to the Watertown Shamrocks.

The Watertown Area Chamber of Commerce Burger runs through Feb 28. More information can be found at wtnburgerbattle.com