Celebrating success, acknowledging safety

Highlights from the Oct. 14 Watertown School Board meeting.

WHS Principal Patty McClemans and Librarian Kris O’Brien Exemplary 21st Century Award from the South Dakota State Library

The Watertown School Board started its Monday, Oct 14 meeting by acknowledging several successes within the District. High school head principal Patty McClemans and librarian Kris O’Brien were honored with an Exemplary 21st Century Award from the South Dakota State Library.  Middle school principal Dr. Todd Brist and librarian Jalynn Feininger were honored with an Enhanced Award. Feininger, who was represented by her husband, Casey, was also recognized as Librarian of the Year by the South Dakota Library Association.

Dr. Todd Brist and librarian Jalynn Feininger were given an Enhanced Award from the South Dakota State Library. Casey Feininger accepts the award on his wife’s behalf.

Superintendent Dr. Jeff Danielsen also recognized the School Board itself. The Board was award Silver Award from Associated School Boards of South Dakota’s Act, Learn, Lead program. The ALL program recognizes the member’s leadership both on the School Board and in the community, and in professional and district development.

The Watertown Arrows are the 2024 State AA Boys Golf Champions. (Courtesy Photo)

The School Board also recognized the Arrow Boys Golf Team. Last week, the Arrows defended their title and captured their second AA State Championship. The meet was held at Cattail Crossing in Watertown and senior Ty Lenards was named the individual State AA Champion.

Dr. Danielsen also offered congratulations to The Watertown Current on its publication and early success.

Assistant Superintendent Derek Barios addressed the board on changes to school safety policies. The district has adopted the procedures from the “I Love U Guys” Foundation. This non-profit was started in 2006 by John-Michael and Ellen Keyes, after their daughter, Emily, was killed in a school shooting. The Foundation’s Standard Response Protocols are:

Hold: Hallways are needing to be kept clear. Doors are closed and locked. Attendance is taken. Barios stated that additional discussions are needed to address class changes while a hold is in place.

Secure: A situation occurring outside the building. No one is allowed in or out of the building, but class continues as normal.

Lockdown: Shelter in place. All classroom doors are locked, and lights are turned off. Staff and students should get out of sight. Any person in a hallway should enter closest locking door. Although phones should be silenced, students are allowed to text parents.

Evacuate: Leaving the building and meeting at established meeting point. Law enforcement may offer other evacuation instructions, especially in conjunction with a lockdown

Shelter: Shelter in place in secured area.

District parents will be receiving more information on the updated protocols in days to come. The information is also available at Iloveuguys.org

Watertown School Board were given a Silver Award from the SD Associated School Board’s Act, Learn Lead program. Pictured left to right are Jean Moulton, Roshal Rossman, Kari Lohr, Stuart Stein and Jon Iverson

Superintendent Danielsen then spoke in opposition to Initiated Measure 28, which seeks to eliminate the state grocery tax. The Measure is formally opposed by the Associated School Boards of South Dakota and the South Dakota School Superintendents Association. Business Manager Heidi Clausen stated that unless a replacement is identified, IM 28 would cut state revenue by approximately a quarter. Board Member Jean Moulton also spoke out against Initiated Measure 29, which seeks to legalize marijuana for recreational use. The School Board did not take action to formally oppose either measure. The Board closed the meeting by going to into Executive Session.