Codington County Commissioners needed only 17 minutes and 22 seconds to breeze through a very short agenda Oct. 15.
The length matched the shortest meeting in the last eight years.
The monthly report from Facilities Manager Steve Mohlengraaf provided the most information, including that the Memorial Park season that ended Sept. 30 earned $161,179.50. Almost 1,900 reservations generated $158,171.50 in sales. The remaining $3,008 came from point-of-sale items such as firewood and camper needs.
Mohlengraaf said concrete work on the northern and western parking lot sections of the Ag Complex is finished and that asphalt will be applied next week.
He also said South Dakota had 19 cases, including one death, of West Nile virus. The mystery state officials are trying to solve is that despite a high number of water pools with mosquitoes, the number with the Culex genus that carry the disease was low.
The commissioners decided to maintain a burn ban, approved Chairman Randy Schweer to file an application for a 2026 fiscal year weed control grant, and approved a lease agreement with the state that will allow a Women Infants Children state official to rent space at the county’s Health Office. The state will pay $500 monthly for this space.
After adjourning the public meeting, the commission went into executive session citing contract issues.
Commissioners Lee Gabel and Myron Johnson were not in attendance.