The Codington County Board of Commissioners wrapped up a short agenda in only 30 minutes Tuesday, Feb. 4, at the county courthouse.
The commissioners took action to apply to the South Dakota Department of Transportation for two access point permits into the new county detention center that will be located on U.S. Highway 212 west of the city.
The approach to Discount Seeds is already developed and will serve the new county facility. A private, undeveloped approach is located just west of the structure’s location, and the property owner has signed the county’s application to allow a second access point there.
Commissioner Lee Gabel said an easement with the landowner would have to be worked out if the state approves the second approach.
During the meeting’s open session Auditor Brenda Hanten said a formal budget hearing will be needed to move part or all of the planned $7,590,000 from the county’s building fund into the revenue and expenditure budget for the new jail. She said a budget hearing would be needed any time part of the funds were moved.
Gabel guessed all of the dollars should be moved, but he wanted to talk to the project’s financial advisor before a decision is made.
The commissioners approved a position for substance use and justice programs coordinator for the county’s Community Services Office. The position will be funded by a three-year grant and will require a bachelor’s degree. Starting pay will be $28.65 per hour.
In a related motion, the commissioners approved advertising and filling of the new position.
Steve Mohlengraaf, county facilities manager, said a hiccup with the new Memorial Park online software prevented users from making reservations at midnight on Feb. 1. The issue was fixed later in the day by the software provider.
Mohlengraaf apologized to those users who couldn’t make reservations and said in future years testing will be done a few days before the reservation period opens.
In other actions the commissioners:
- Approved the $3,400 for a refurbished printer/copier/scanner from Office Peeps of Watertown for the Emergency Management Office. Director Andrew Delgado said the same device purchased new would cost $10,000. The used model will replace two printers used by the department.
- Approved advertising for and the hiring of a full-time administrative support individual in the Treasurer’s Office. The starting salary is $26.56 per hour. The position opened due to a resignation.
- Heard the monthly report from 4-H Director Jodi Loehrer, which included a need for two more lunch counter volunteers at the Watertown Farm Show. Also, a fund-raising spaghetti feed will be hosted by 4-H members Feb. 16 at the Extension Complex. A raffle is also planned.
- Gave permission to the Watertown Area Home Builders Association to serve alcohol during a private event for vendors following the first day of a home show March 8 at the Extension Complex.