Arrests for driving under the influence rose sharply in 2024, according to statistics provided by Codington County Sheriff Brad Howell during the Jan. 28 county commission meeting.
The 150 arrests of impaired drivers in 2024 compared to 91 in 2023 was a 54% increase that brought concerns from the commissioners. Commissioner Troy VanDusen, a former Watertown police officer and current director of the Watertown Regional 911 Center, said a sharp increase was also noted by Watertown police in 2024.
Arrests for underage alcohol consumption rose from 20 in 2023 to 34 in 2024, Howell said.
The county sheriff said the a portion of increase in DUI arrests can be attributed to deputies having better training and being more proactive in identifying drivers who have had too much alcohol or other inhibiting substances.
VanDusen wondered if a public campaign is needed to warn drivers about drinking and driving. He said studies have shown that, on average, an alcohol-impaired individual will drive 80 times before finally being arrested.
Drug and narcotics arrests increased from 91 in 2022 and 2023 to 143 in 2024, and assault arrests increased from 20 in 2023 to 34 in 2024.
The news wasn’t all bad, however. Accidents investigated by the sheriff’s department decreased from 404 in 2023 to 329 in 2024, assault calls fell from 31 to 25, and animal complaints dropped from 273 to 201.
There was no good news for Kranzburg Township in its effort to secure South Dakota Rural Access Infrastructure Funds (RAIF) to pay a $19,996 bill the township incurred in 2024 to repair a key road west of Kranzburg.
Because the township hadn’t applied a tax levy on its citizens, it did not meet the RAIF regulations, Auditor Brenda Hanten said. The township can reapply next fall for payment in 2026.
Travis Paulson of Wallace, the District 5 representative for the South Dakota Association of Towns and Townships (SDATT), said his organization has been trying to educate township officials on the technicalities of RAIF applications. He said Minnehaha County ($1.56 million), Lincoln County ($1.2 million) and Hutchinson County ($1.73 million) all received their maximum RAIF appropriations.
Paulson said SDATT has submitted a request of $25 million for 3 years to continue the RAIF program, but he acknowledged that the 2025 legislature focus will likely be elsewhere in a tight budget year.
Paulson said studies have shown that 1,300 culverts and 163 small bridges under township management throughout the state that are in poor condition.
The commissioners approved three agenda budgeted items relating to the county highway department.
One was the purchase of a new pickup. The low bid, provided through the state, was $51,053 for a Ford F250 4×4 Crew Cab from Lamb Motors of Pierre, Onida and Gettysburg. The county, however, accepted a bid of $51,720 from Watertown Ford Chrysler. Sharp Automotive of Watertown offered a similar Chevrolet pickup at a cost of $52,227.
The other two items were connected. The highway shop budgeted for a tire-changing machine and accepted a low bid of $25,499 from NAPA Auto Parts of Watertown. The machine required an upgraded power system, so the county will pay Schneider Electric of Watertown $3,450 for a Roto Phase device needed to boost the shop’s electrical power.
The commissioners approved three measures related to the Emergency Management Department’s ancillary programs. The actions were:
- Approving a resolution designating county officials for fire suppression assistance requests;
- Approving volunteer Search and Rescue and Weather Spotter rosters for workman’s compensation Insurance, and
- Approving the Local Emergency Planning Committee roster.
During monthly department head reports. Emergency Management Director Andrew Delgado advised those doing ice fishing to be fully aware of weather and ice conditions and to know how to travel off the ice at night.
Delgado said county Search and Rescue units were called into Day County due to a vehicle falling through the ice. And the 911 Center was contacted when an individual ice fishing wasn’t certain how to safely get off the ice at night.
Sheriff Howell, in his monthly report, said average daily membership at the county detention center in December was 41.65, the smallest average in at least 13 months. Other monthly numbers were nine investigated accidents, 62 warrants issued and 171 civil papers served.
Bookings for December numbered 203, and 114 individuals convicted for drug or alcohol violations were not incarcerated but being monitored by various means.
Other actions taken by the commissioners included:
- Approving a plat resolution for the Trent Sumner Addition in Eden Township,
- Approving a copier in the treasurer’s office to be declared surplus so it can be traded, and
- Approving the sale of alcohol at a June 7 wedding at the County Extension Complex. Cloud 9 Bar, Grill and Casino will be providing alcohol sales and customer screening.