Watertown will celebrate Manufacturing Week with a downtown parade at 4 p.m. on Thursday, October 3.
The parade, organized by the Watertown Chamber of Commerce and the Watertown Development Company, will start at Immaculate Conception Church, travel west on First Avenue South to Second Street West, then run right onto Kemp Avenue and finish at the Watertown Area Community Foundation Plaza.
The plaza will feature displays by area manufacturers. Company representatives will be on hand.
Anybody or any group can enter the parade, Register your entry at watertownsd.com. Registered manufacturing companies will be entered to win an employee pizza party, up to $1000 in value.
The parade will kick off National Manufacturing Week, which begins on the first Friday in October and continues for a week across the country. This year, it takes place from October 4 to 11.
The week-long celebration honors the contributions of the manufacturing sector by sharing information about all the work the sector has done in the last year and its impact on the country’s economy. National Manufacturing Week is an initiative by the Manufacturing Institute, which works to develop technologies through public-private partnerships.