Farm Show honoree Filipek looking forward to 34th consecutive show

Gale Filipek, shown with his wife, Mary, will be honored at this year’s Watertown Winter Farm Show. Courtesy photo.

Gale Filipek of Raymond views the Watertown Winter Farm Show as far more than a “few-days-a-year” event. As current breed manager for the Simmental Show & Sale, he sees the annual show as a reunion of friends from all the different breeds.

This year, Filipek will be recognized during the 80th Annual Watertown Winter Farm Show for his decades of service.

The Watertown Area Chamber of Commerce Ag Committee, which organizes the Watertown Winter Farm Show, each year honors an individual or family who has spent years contributing to its success by dedicating the Farm Show to them.

In 2025, two individuals will share the honor – Gale Filipek and Dan Engebretson.

The 80th Watertown Winter Farm Show is scheduled for February 12-15, 2025, at the Codington County Extension Complex.

Filipek purchased his first heifer at the Watertown Winter Farm Show in 1991. He began consigning three years after that. This year marks his 34th consecutive year of participation in the Farm Show.

“I need to thank Rod Hurlbut for getting me started, “said Filipek. “Without him, I wouldn’t be here today.”

Filipek said the Watertown Winter Farm Show provides an extremely valuable way for small breeders to get started. “While my grandson and I don’t have enough livestock for our own sale, we can bring them here and get connected with buyers,” he said.

“We’re all in the same boat, rowing for the same purpose,” he added.

Gale and his wife, Mary, have looked forward to attending the Watertown Winter Farm Show since their kids (who now have children of their own) were little.

“The fun part about the Farm Show for us is that it was our family’s winter vacation,” said Filipek.

“Where we stayed, the kids could go swimming and most of the people we knew stayed in the same hotel. You could renew your friendships and meet new friends. “

Filipek believes another reason the Winter Farm Show continues to be important is because it “shows the city kids” that their food doesn’t simply come from the store. He recalls many years of seeing families and daycare providers making their way through the barns.

“I remember a little guy once who stuck out his hand to pet a heifer and instead was licked half way up his arm,” said Filipek. “He won’t soon forget that.”

Filipek recently celebrated his 30th year as a 4-H leader of the Raymond 4-H Club. His wife,

Mary, jokes that he’s been called “the oldest 4-H member in the state.” While the Filipeks farmed for many years near Raymond, they now live in town.

Asked about improvements he has seen at the Winter Farm Show over the years, Filipek mentioned that having better wash racks and a much-improved public address system are beneficial. And while the general public might not notice, he says several changes around the show ring, right down to the wood chips, have made a huge difference for those who show livestock.

Tim Sheehan, President and CEO of the Watertown Area Chamber of Commerce, said attending the Watertown Winter Farm Show continues to be a tradition for many families – and that honoring Gale Filipek fits right in with that tradition.

“Gale is a wonderful example of someone who sees the importance of passing along skills and knowledge to the next farm generation,” said Sheehan.

This past year, Filipek Family Simmentals showed a Grand Champion Simmental bull at the South Dakota State Fair. A few years ago, Gale was honored by the South Dakota Simmental Association as a producer.

“I don’t go looking for awards. If they come, of course, I’m honored.”

“When Chuck (Langner) showed up at the breed meeting to let me know about this dedication, you could have knocked me over with a feather,” he said.

Gale and Mary have been married for 51½  years. They enjoy spending time with their six grandkids, ranging in age from 8 months to 27 years. Their daughter Heather and husband, R.J. Hamann, live near Raymond, while their son Joe Filipek and his wife, Vicky, live in Milford, Neb. An avid Minnesota sports fan, Filipek regularly follows the Vikings, Twins and Timberwolves, but added that he’s been an L.A. Dodgers fan since 1954.

“I’d say I’ve had a pretty good year,” he added.

Congratulations, Gale Filipek!