Free memory screenings next week

The Watertown Area Memory Care & Aging Network is hosting a free memory screening event on Oct. 8 at the Watertown Event Center.

The Watertown Area Memory Care & Aging Network is hosting a free memory screening event on Oct. 8 at the Watertown Event Center for anyone who wants to participate in a memory screening.

“This is for anyone who has concerns or wants to create a baseline using a standardized test,” said director Connie Lake. “The screenings, which are free and confidential, are conducted by nurses or doctors, but potential diagnoses will not be made. Scores from the test will be shared with the participants along with recommendations to see a doctor if necessary.”

Screenings take about 30 minutes and consists of a memory test, a recall test, spatial test, and a drawing test, among other things.

“This yearly event is a good time for people to start coming out on a yearly basis to see if their screening scores change over time to better track cognition and memory,” Lake said.

Screenings run from 8:30-3:00 p.m. While appointments are encouraged, walk-ins will be welcome as time and space allows. Contact WAMCAN at (605) 886-5262 for questions on the screening process or to schedule an appointment.