Brandon Heim, Sales Manager, the Watertown Current
Local journalism is back. The newspaper is back. Our community is informed. Democracy is strengthened. We would be remise if we did not thank the many who made this possible.
Mostly importantly, thank you to Troy McQuillen, our Publisher, for taking a chance on Watertown. I know Watertown will reciprocate your confidence in our community. Thank you also to Joel Vockrodt and Brad Johnson for be the catalyst that brought this need to Troy’s attention.
Thank you to Roger Whittle and Jen Pendley as well for joining our team. Your commitment to local journalism and the community of Watertown is unmatched. Your presence and your talent add validity to this dog-and-pony show.
The Current owes a debt of gratitude to many of our former colleagues from “that other Gannett publication.” Thank you to Mark Roby, Chris Carter, Greg Dosch, Lana Holland and so many others for your guidance and advice as we embark on this adventure. I hope can live up to excellent tradition of local journalism you all helped build.
Thank you to our friends and neighbors in downtown. Thank you to John and Angie Reppe for preparing our office. We are excited to be good neighbors and active members of our Uptown Watertown community, and we look forward to growing with you all.
Appreciation also needs to be given to the Knights of Columbus and Barbara Heim Dell of Watertown for the many in-kind gifts given as we started up this business.
We course thank our sponsors. Thank you to Office Peeps, the Community Foundation, Turbak Law, the Chamber of Commerce, the Goss Opera House, Professional Hearing Services, Lake Area Technical College, and the Prairie Lakes Healthcare System. You all took a chance on us. You put your commitment to telling the community’s story into action. For this we thank you.
Thank you to you, our readers. Thank you for financially supporting us with your subscription. Even more than that, thank you for being a informed citizen. We commit to serving you with arcuate, factual, and fair information in a timely manner and unmatched costumer service. Please consider supporter our sponsors and other advertisers.
Stay Current Watertown. Democracy Demands Journalism.
Thank you for your support. Let’s Go.