Prairie Lakes hosts first Health and Wellness Expo

Dr. Lindsey Barthel gives tips on overcoming Seasonal Affective Disorder (Photo by Brandon Heim, Watertown Current)

The first annual Prairie Lakes Health and Wellness Expo was held on the morning of Saturday, Jan 25. Replacing Ladies’ Night, the event was held at the Codington County Extension Building. Most every department at Prairie Lakes Healthcare System was represented at booths, as were several community organizations.

Joe Bretscheider speaks on prostrate cancer symptoms (Photo by Brandon Heim, Watertown Current)

Throughout the morning, several classes were held in both the classrooms and dinning room. Cardiologist Dr. Ravi Kalaga spoke on the risk factors for heart disease, and Dr. Jon McAreavey talked on the importance of advanced directives in the classrooms. These were followed by Dr. Dan Reiffenberger’s “Move Your Body” presentation and Dr. Lindsey Barthel spoke on avoiding Seasonal Affective Disorder. In the extension center dinner room, athletic trainer Faith Tyler presented “Movement is Medicine,” and physician’s assistant Joe Bretscheider spoke on prostrate health. This was followed by pharmacist Amanda Janisch speaking on diabetes management and Dr. Eric Wolley talked about foot care.

Treats were provided by Sudexo. (Photo by Brandon Heim, Watertown Current)

Several exhibits featured interaction. The laboratory tested participants blood sugar levels, and the dietary department offered body mass index readings. A bike rodeo was available for the youngest expo-goers, and the Watertown Parks and Rec department was on hand with games. CPR demonstrations for both children and adults was offered by the hospital’s training department and by Watertown Fire Rescue. The Community Blood Bank “blood mobile” was also on hand and collected approximately 20 pints of blood for local use.

“We are super excited to offer this event to the community- a community event for men, women and children to learn about the services we offer. It’s cool to see all of them (PLHS departments) in a space like this. We’re looking forward to next year,” said Lydia Newman, PLHS marketing director and one of the events organizers.

The Blood Mobile was on hand collecting donations (Photo by Brandon Heim, Watertown Current)

The Health and Wellness Expo also marked one of the first major events hosted by Prairie Lakes Healthcare since its acquisition of Brown Clinic. This merger allows the hospital to offer primary care services. Newman said the hospital has had positive results.  It has facilitated an improvement to streamlined care and ease of of access to the healthcare system.

More information on all the services provided by Prairie Lakes Healthcare System can be found at