Preview: Oct. 21 City Council meeting

The Watertown City Council is slated to discuss the future of pickleball in the city, the municipal budget for 2025, change orders for construction contracts that will save the city hundreds of thousands of dollars, and mutual aid agreements for 911 services for surrounding counties.

The Watertown City Council meets at 5:30 p.m. Oct. 21 to discuss a decent amount of agenda items for their second meeting of the month.

On the consent agenda, the council is slated to approve a two-year contract with Clark, Grant and Hamlin counties totaling $62,536.76; a 911 service contract for Clark, Codington, Day, Deuel, Grant and Hamlin counties for 2025-2026; and the approval of an easement along the 400 block of 1st St NW.

A cohort of pickleball players is also expected to give a presentation to the council on their wants and needs going forward.

The council is also going to consider two change orders which will decrease the price of two contracts, saving the city hundreds of thousands of dollars.

The first contract for the 2024 Asphalt Milling & Overlay and Large Patches Project No. 2402—being completed by Duininck, Inc—is being decreased by $330,884.59 for a new total of $2,242,386.91.

The second contract for the 2023 PMP C-Neighborhood Reconstruction Project No. 2304—being completed by Duininck, Inc—is being decreased by $254,620.58 for a new total of $1,571,704.90.

The council will also hear the first reading of an ordinance to rezone a plat of land at 1425 9th Ave SW from I-1 Light Industrial District to C-3 Highway Commercial District.

Among other business, the council is expected to enter into a private road agreement for a plat off of 10th St SW/Highway 20, and to authorize the City Manager to sign documents related to city employee benefits (health insurance, Delta dental benefits, Metlife insurance, WageWorks and VSP coverage).

The council meeting begins at 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall. It is also simulcast via YouTube on their channel @CityofWatertown. The meeting does feature a chance for public comments on items not on the agenda at the beginning of the meeting.