Property, mobile home taxes due Oct. 31

Property taxes are due at 5 p.m. Oct. 31.

The Codington County Treasurer’s Office is reminding property owners that second-half property taxes and mobile home taxes are due at the treasurer’s office by 5 p.m. Oct. 31.

Payments may also be mailed to the treasurer’s office but must be postmarked no later than Oct. 31. Consider mailing your tax payment 2 or 3 days early to allow for processing. Also, the post office only postmarks mail up until 5:30 p.m. Receipts will be returned if you enclose a stamped self-addressed envelope with your payment.

For online payments, go to or visit  Online payments will include a convenience fees paid to the provider, not to Codington County.

The convenience fee for credit/debit card payments is 3% of the total payment. Users may pay all their parcels by e-check for $2 per payment. To use an e-check and pay the lower fee make sure that you select electronic check on the payment information section when checking out.

A 10% penalty will be added to all delinquent taxes. Those who haven’t paid their first-half taxes should call the treasurer’s office at 605-882-6285 for their payoff amount, including interest.

Also, absentee voting is taking place in the auditor’s office. Please respect the privacy of the voters by not visiting with them or discussing the election while they are casting their ballot.

Those visiting the treasurer’s office are welcome to absentee vote at the auditor’s office or pick up an informational packet or sample ballot.