Rachel’s Hope plans to put Christmas Tree Fundraiser money to good use

Front row: Ally and Brightly Pratt, Fellowship of Christian Athletes; Amber Hanson, Special Olympics Watertown Area; Angel Oeltjenbruns, The Village of Harmony Hill; Maureen Anderson, Mellette House; Cammie Mengwasser, WACF Executive Director. Back row: Maria Gruener, Watertown Regional Library; Lisa Dahl, Prairie Lakes Healthcare Foundation; Morgan Yetter, Joy Ranch of South Dakota; Amanda Woodruff, Rachel’s Hope; Gisele Stout, Boy Scout Troop 209; Beth Lalim, Watertown Cares; Jeff Anderson, Mellette House; Kristen Henderson, WACF Communications Director. Photo by Roger Whittle, Watertown Current.

Representatives from the 15 local nonprofit organizations that participated in this year’s Christmas Tree Fundraiser gathered at the Watertown Regiona...

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