The South Dakota Youth Trooper Academy is accepting applications from young men and women interested in a career in law enforcement
The Youth Trooper Academy is a cooperative effort between the South Dakota Highway Patrol and the American Legion of South Dakota. Its mission is to recruit young men and women from culturally diverse backgrounds from across the state of South Dakota, and to increase their understanding of the job of a state trooper.
The Academy is an intensive, one-week, residential learning experience for young adults who are entering their senior year of high school or have just graduated high school in 2025. It is held at the South Dakota Law Enforcement Training Academy in Pierre.
The Youth Trooper Academy is not a summer camp and is not designed for troubled teenagers. The program is mentally and physically demanding. The Youth Trooper Academy utilizes a paramilitary approach to training, and discipline is strict. Candidates should be highly motivated, of good moral and ethical character, and have an interest in a career in law enforcement
Troopers and members from other law enforcement agencies throughout the state of South Dakota will provide classroom and hands-on training in topics such as firearms safety, defensive driving, crash investigation, traffic stops, leadership, defensive tactics, and criminal law. Participants will also see demonstrations from the Highway Patrol’s special operations section such as aircraft operation, SWAT, and Police Service Dogs.
The 2025 South Dakota Youth Trooper Academy runs June 23 to June 27, 2025. Space in the program is limited to 24 students from across the state. The program is open to male and female high school students who are entering their senior year of high school or have just graduated high school in 2025. Candidates must be in good academic standing with their high school. They must be of good moral character and present a well-groomed appearance and possess a valid S.D. drivers license.
The Academy is physically demanding; those requiring special diets or having physical needs will be looked at on a case-by-case basis. Cafeteria style food will be served. The program is open to all, regardless of race, color, gender, religion, or national origin.
There is a $250 fee for each student that is selected to attend, that their local American Legion Post is responsible for paying. All other fees associated with the week-long course will be covered by South Dakota Highway Patrol and the Department of South Dakota American Legion. The only cost to the student will be transportation to and from the event along with some personal items for the week.
Applications may be obtained from any American Legion Post Commander, any South Dakota State Trooper, or any high school guidance counselor. The application deadline is March 21, 2025.