Commerical and residental building permits as of Sept. 30 from the City of Watertown.
Commercial Municipal Building Permits
Date: Sept. 13 Name: Terry O’Neill Address: 1307 12th Ave SE Value: $150,000
Date: Sept. 18 Name: Gray Construction Group Address: 550 Airport Dr. Value:$437,800
Date: Sept. 26 Name: Justin Pietz Address: 1311 5th Ave SE Value: $2,000,000
*Building permits are released by the city on a monthly basis, occurring no later than the fifth business day of the next month.
Residential Municipal Building Permits
Date: Sept 3 Name: Chad Fleming Address: 2355 Lucas Ln. Value: $650,000
Date: Sept. 9 Name: Rachel Hallstrom Address: 1517 Summit Peak Circle Value: $379,491
Date: Sept. 25 Name: Steve Thorson Address: 2710 2nd Ave NW Value:$274,000
*Building permits are released by the city on a monthly basis, occurring no later than the fifth business day of the next month.