So many books, such a fun time

Friends of the Library Host Annual Used Book Sale

Shoppers browse available books at the Friends of the Library Used Book Sale

Over 28,200. That’s how many books were donated to the Friends of the Watertown Regional Library this year for the organization’s used book sale. The event, held at the Codington County Extension Center, annually is the main source of income for the Friends of the Library. The Friends support the Watertown Regional Library, both financially and in volunteerism. Notably, they financed the building of shed on the library campus for storage of the “Library of Things;” larger items available for check-out, such as bikes.

Friends of the Library Susan Munger and Maureen Anderson preview a book available for purchase.

Shelly Alvine, a member of the Friends’ leadership team reported an increase in the number of DVD’s and CD’s donated. The CD’s were both audio-books and musical selection. Nora Roberts seemed to be the most popular this year. As in previous years, children’s books were very popular. Alvine also explained that items remaining at the end of the sale are donated to Goodwill, who will then either try to sell the books themselves or recycle the paper.