Watertown businessman and Vietnam veteran Dennis Solberg has announced his candidacy for the District 5 South Dakota Senate seat now held by Lee Schoenbeck.
Schoenbeck, who served as the President Pro Tempore of the S.D. Senate, is not running for re-election.

Dennis Solberg
Solberg, a Democrat, will face Republican and former Watertown City Councilman Glen Vilhauer in the Nov. 5 General Election.
Solberg did not run in the Democratic Primary Election. Russell Ronke was the only Democrat to run for the District 5 Senate seat, but he withdrew his candidacy shortly after the Primary Election. Solberg was chosen in August by the Democratic Party to take Ronke’s spot on the ballot
Solberg enlisted in the U.S. Navy after graduating from Watertown High School and attending Watertown Business University for two terms. He was assigned to the USS Kennebec and served four tours abroad, including three in Vietnam.
After his military service, Solberg earned a degree in business management at the University of South Dakota. Later, he and his wife, Kay, along with his brother and sister-in-law, owned and operated the Coteau Shopper for 20 years before selling the paper to the Watertown Public Opinion.
Solberg served on the Watertown City Council for eight years and on the Municipal Utilities Board for 10 years. He is a past-commander of the VFW and now serves as Post Quartermaster. He is also on the board of the Vietnam Veterans of Northeast South Dakota and is a member of its Honor Guard. He also is a member of the American Legion.
He said he has an interest in government and in finding solutions to help people and communities improve their lives.