Watertown Current letters to the editor, guest column policy
By Kyle G. Horst - October 28, 2024 in Column, Free to Read, Opinion, Politics Reading Time: 3 minutes
Letters to the editor
- Letters to the editor for The Watertown Current can be mailed to letters@watertowncurrent.com. Letters that do not follow our policy will not be published.
- Letters cannot exceed 250 words. This is a hard limit. It is up to writers to edit their letters to fit. Letters longer than 250 words will not be published.
- Thirty days must pass between publication of letters from the same writer.
- Form letters or those that appear strikingly similar will not be published. This can be especially problematic before an election.
- Letters that contain obviously false, fake or misleading information will not be published.
- While debate is encouraged, personal attacks will not be tolerated. Letters critical of public officials are allowed. They can be about an issue or performance, but must be professional in tone.
- Writers can submit a letter about the same topic only once every three months.
- Volleying letters between writers will be curtailed.
- Incumbent politicians will be allowed to defend themselves, but letters involving self-promotion, endorsement of other candidates or overtly political topics will not be published.
- Letters from candidates who are not incumbents will be considered if they can be published at least 30 days before a primary, general or special election.
- There might be instances in which not all letters will fit in the print edition, but all appropriate letters will be published online.
- Letters for the next week’s print edition must be submitted by noon on Monday. Earlier deadlines can be set for elections, holidays and other special occasions.
- Letters must be from the Watertown region or somebody native to the area, or about a topic or event of local or broad state interest.
- A letter must be signed by the author or authors. No more than two authors are allowed per letter. The writer’s hometown must also be included.
- Please email your letters. There is no guarantee that handwritten letters will be considered or published.
- Letters can be edited for clarity or grammar, but not in any substantial way that changes focus, subject or substance.
- Writers should include a phone number in case there are questions about a letter. Phone numbers will never be published.
- While letters of thanks will be considered, the purpose of a letter to the editor is not to publish long lists of sponsors, businesses, volunteers, workers, etc.
Guest columns
- Guest columns will be considered on a case-by-case basis. A submitted column does not have to be published.
- Columns should be emailed to letters@watertowncurrent.com.
- There is a hard cap of 600 words. Authors are responsible for editing their columns to fit. Occasional exceptions will be considered in extreme circumstances as determined by the editors and publisher.
- Columns that contain knowingly false, fake or misleading information will not be considered.
- Columns should generally be about a topic of broad interest, though columns about unique personal experiences or observations will be considered.
- Volleying guest columns about the same topic will be curtailed.
- Authors need to include a head-and-shoulders photo of themselves and a brief bio (two or three sentences).
- Guest columns should have a sole author. Columns from groups, organizations or agencies without a specific author will not be published.
- Columns can be edited for clarity or grammar, but not in any substantial way that changes focus, subject or substance.
- A writer can have a maximum of one guest column published every 365 days.
- Guest columns from incumbent politicians will be considered, but not within 60 days of a primary, general or special election in which they are a candidate.
- Columns featuring personal attacks of private citizens will not be considered.
- Concerns about politicians, politics and issues of routine debate—including at the city, county, state and national levels—should generally be addressed with letters to the editor.
- Guest columns that are used do not have to be published in the print edition.
- Writers should include a phone number in case there are questions about a column. Phone numbers will never be published.
- These policies do not apply to The Watertown Current’s regular columnists or staff.