Watertown Regional Landfill yard waste drop-off site opening soon

The Fourth Avenue SW site will be open Tuesdays through Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. beginning October 16

Beginning Wednesday, Oct. 16, the yard waste drop-off site on Fourth Avenue SW will be open for Watertown residents. The closing date for the site will depend on weather conditions. The drop-off site will be open and staffed from Tuesdays through Saturdays between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m.

Residents are welcome to drop off leaves, grass, garden vegetation, bushes and branches free of charge. Tree limbs up to six inches in diameter and six feet in length are also accepted. It is important to note that all yard waste must be emptied from containers or plastic bags into the dumpsters provided by the city—if leaves and garden waste are put in compostable paper yard waste bags, there is no need to unbag them. Loose yard waste loads that require shoveling must be taken directly to the Watertown Regional Landfill.

During this period, the landfill also accepts yard waste and branches at no charge for Watertown residents. The landfill is open Monday through Saturday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Residents are required to show proof of residency by providing a current residential utility bill. All yard waste loads must be properly secured and contain only grass clippings, leaves, and garden vegetation, with branches being disposed of separately in the wood pile. Uncovered loads will be charged a tipping fee.

The Fourth Avenue SW drop-off site is located next to the Big Sioux River, approximately two blocks east of Municipal Utilities. For additional information, including details about the landfill’s hours, location, container repair, and rates, please visit the City of Watertown’s website at www.watertownsd.us.